BBC News Archive — Story headline history

Here is the front page history of story #6219431 — view the current version of this article on BBC News.

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Key: Main headline Sub-headline Other Top Stories

30/12/2006, 14:45 – 16:05
1st other top story: Madrid blast 'ends Eta ceasefire'
30/12/2006, 16:05 – 18:05
Smoke over Madrid airportLeft subheadline: Madrid blast 'ends Eta ceasefire'
Basque separatist group Eta carried out a car bomb at a Madrid airport ending a ceasefire, officials say.
30/12/2006, 18:05 – 18:40
Smoke over Madrid airportLeft subheadline: Spanish PM suspends Eta dialogue
Spain's PM says he is ending efforts to start dialogue with Basque separatist group Eta after a Madrid airport blast.
30/12/2006, 18:40 – 23:35
Smoke over Madrid airportLeft subheadline: Spain suspends Eta dialogue
Spain's PM says he is ending efforts to start dialogue with Basque separatist group Eta after a Madrid airport blast.
30/12/2006, 23:35 – 31/12/2006, 00:25
3rd other top story: Spain suspends Eta dialogue
31/12/2006, 00:25 – 01:35
4th other top story: Spain suspends Eta dialogue