BBC News Archive — Story headline history

Here is the front page history of story #6343109 — view the current version of this article on BBC News.

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Key: Main headline Sub-headline Other Top Stories

8/2/2007, 14:25 – 15:10
Breaking news graphicRight subheadline: Man arrested under Terrorism Act
A 31-year-old is arrested in east London for encouraging terrorism, Scotland Yard says.
8/2/2007, 15:10 – 16:50
Abu Izzadeen (left), file picRight subheadline: Preacher held under Terrorism Act
A 31-year-old is arrested in east London for encouraging terrorism, as part of an ongoing inquiry.
8/2/2007, 16:50 – 18:50
Abu Izzadeen (left), file picRight subheadline: Activist held under Terrorism Act
A 31-year-old Muslim activist is arrested in east London over allegations of encouraging terrorism.
8/2/2007, 18:50 – 19:10
1st other top story: Activist held under Terrorism Act
8/2/2007, 19:10 – 19:25
2nd other top story: Activist held under Terrorism Act
8/2/2007, 19:25 – 21:25
3rd other top story: Activist held under Terrorism Act
8/2/2007, 21:25 – 9/2/2007, 01:10
4th other top story: Activist held under Terrorism Act